Upcoming Events Schedule


Brome County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds, 345 Chemin Stagecoach, Brome, Quebec J0E 1K0. **(TO BE CONFIRMED)**

Dates:  June,12 to  june,15   ( St. Francis Kennel & Obedience Club)

Event:   4 All Breed Shows / Limited Breed Shows for Group 1, 3, 6 & 7 

Event:  Working Certificate

Dates:   June ,12

 Event:  Working Certificate

Judges: We are excited to introduce our esteemed panel of judges who will be bringing their expertise and insight to our event:

  • Pierre Girard, (WC, WCI, WCX) ** Pending  CKC Approval**
  • John Kuepferling, (WC, WCI, WCX) ** Pending  CKC Approval**

Dates:  June 13 GRCC National

 Event:  Obedience Trial & Rally (Golden Retrievers exclusivity)

Judges: We are excited to introduce our esteemed panel of judges who will be bringing their expertise and insight to our event:

  • Marie cloutier, (Obedience Trial & Rally) ** Pending CKC Approval**


Dates:  June 14    GRCC Nationnal

 Event:  Conformation, Obedience and Rally (2 trials all breeds) 

Judges: We are excited to introduce our esteemed panel of judges who will be bringing their expertise and insight to our event:

  • Nancy Talbot, (conformation) ** Pending Approval**
  • Lyne Oslach, (Obedience & Rally) ** Pending  CKC Approval**
  • Paul Oslach, (Obedience & Rally) ** Pending CKC Approval**

** Mrs & Mr.  Oslach will be alternating Saturday and Sunday**


Dates:  June, 15  GRCQ Speciality

 Event:  Conformation, Obedience and Rally (2 trials all breeds) 

Judges: We are excited to introduce our esteemed panel of judges who will be bringing their expertise and insight to our event:

  • Manuel Queuijeiro, (conformation) ** Pending CKC Approval**
  • Lyne Oslach, (Obedience & Rally) ** Pending CKC Approval**
  • Paul Oslach, (Obedience & Rally) ** Pending CKC Approval**

** Mrs & Mr.  Oslach will be alternating Saturday and Sunday**

Join us for an event filled with excitement, innovation, and inspiration. Stay tuned for more details and updates!

For more information, please contact us at clubdugoldenretrieverduquebec@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you at the GRCC National!